It was a sunny Fall morning in 1994. I was invited by a friend to attend a Sunday church service. I quickly dismissed the idea, explaining that I was not a ‘churchie’ kind of guy. She told me this was no ordinary service and it would be fun. Since my beloved Houston Oilers didn’t play until 3 pm, I agreed to tag along. Little did I know, that day would change the rest of my life.

I believe we all share the same purpose in life, which is to Discover the Divine within––the Sleeping Giant that lies dormant within us all. To Surrender to this power. And to Inspire others on this path. All experiences in life are designed to lead us to this awakening. On this beautiful day, the Universe led me to Unity of Houston. My days of being a sleepwalker would soon be coming to an end.
Before this day, I thought ‘spiritual people’ were kind of strange. They didn’t look like me, they often dressed funny, and they used the G-word too much. Having said all that, I was still intrigued. The few I had met seemed to be happier than most. They were at ease and content. It was like they knew a secret. Although I felt a longing to learn more, I wasn’t ready. I didn’t have the courage to let go. I was too worried about what others would think of me.
What I found at Unity of Houston was a loving and caring community led by Reverend Howard Caesar and his wife Diane. The message on that Sunday morning was positive and uplifting. The live music was also excellent. After the service, everyone gathered in the courtyard for refreshments. I am happy to say, the people were amazing, and my stereotype quickly dissolved.
After my 2nd coffee, I wandered down a hallway, looking for a restroom. Much to my surprise, I saw a poster on the wall advertising an upcoming appearance by Wayne Dyer. I was a little confused. Why would this celebrity self-help teacher be speaking at Unity? I decided it didn’t really matter. I quickly went to the bookstore and purchased a ticket. The event was the following week and I was excited to check it out.
Although I enjoyed Wayne’s lecture, I discovered he had transformed from being a self-help teacher into a spiritual guru. Since I was still a sleepwalker, I didn’t really understand many of the ideas he presented. Afterward, I followed the crowd to the merchandise area and purchased a couple of books. When I got home, I stuck these books into my nightstand and didn’t touch them for over a year. The Universe doesn’t make mistakes. I was obviously not ready for this message.
Like any school, the School of Life will give us lessons every day. If we ignore the lessons, the tests will progressively become more painful. This is all part of a Master Plan. The School of Life was doing its job. It wore me down! I was finally ready to look within for answers. The external rewards I was chasing for fulfillment only brought temporary results. I was ready for more!
As I tossed and turned, another sleepless night in the making, I remembered the books in my nightstand. When I began to read, I felt a subtle shift. This message that puzzled me one year ago, was now perfectly clear. How could this be? In hindsight, all the pain, struggles, and suffering in my daily life perfectly led me to this moment. Again, no mistakes!
The following day, I locked the doors, closed the mini blinds, and followed Wayne’s meditation instructions. After a couple of weeks, I was hooked. Although there were no ‘lightning-bolt’ moments, I began to feel more at peace. I no longer felt alone. It was as if I had a new visitor–– a partner guiding me. THIS WAS IT!! I had awakened the Sleeping Giant. It was like I unlocked a door and the Universe kicked it open.
Although this was the end of my life as a sleepwalker on this planet, it was only the beginning of my new life as a seeker on this Spiritual Path. I would like to thank Unity for being the spark that lit the fire.
Written by Craig Kolavo, author of AWAKEN the SLEEPING GIANT. Learn more at