Although I am optimistic in these turbulent times, I do feel a sense of urgency. We need more AWAKENED beings on this planet now! You were born into Royalty. Divinity is your birthright. It's time to reclaim your power.
The Universe doesn't make mistakes. I believe everything happens for a reason and it was time for a wake-up call. We've all been sleepwalking for way too long, stuck in a depressive state of apathy, allowing a loud minority to rule the often silent majority.
We have forgotten our innate powers. AWAKEN the SLEEPING GIANT explains why forgetting our Divine nature is a necessary stage in the 'Game of Life'. Fortunately, this amnesia was only intended to be temporary.
This book is a call to action. A call to rediscover our primal way. When we AWAKEN, we become aware of our oneness—our connection to each other and to the planet. When we begin to see ourselves in the eyes of another, our world will change in an instant!
with love,
PS: Visit the book page of our website to listen to an audio sample. Can a positive message go viral? If you like what you hear, please share.